Wednesday, December 15, 2010

No. 1

Hello, what is now currently no one, and what I'll expect to be no one for a long time because it seems so foolish to me that someone will want to read this.

There you go, you've found out the very first thing about me, I'm a tincy-wincy bit cynical.  The 2nd thing I'm going to share right off the bat is I'm usually very bad at grammar so don't go complaining about how that's not supposed to be there and you need to add this.  But let's not ramble on about my most boring-ist flaw, lets talk about... *I'm literally taking a few minutes to think of something here*... ou!  Got it!  Thank Betsy I typed that out or I wouldn't have come up with my first topic: words I hate when people say.

(I think this whole blog is going to be a bit on the negative side, but isn't that what we all want?  To bitch, and bitch some more?)

No. 1:  Literally- "Oh em gee I literally broke my arm when that gargantuan book fell on me!"  No you didn't you twat!  Stop saying literally if it's not actually literal!  Urg!  Here's what you should have said:  "Oh em gee I literally got a small bruise on my arm when that harry potter book fell on me."  Right, moving on.

No. 2 (which is actually more than one): Any of these: Oh Em Gee, El oh El, Roffel, Bee ar bee, Tee tee why ell etc.  Don't be so fracking ridiculous pee pee ell!

No. 3: Cute- Now let me explain.  I don't mind this when it's something lie "Oh, that puppy-dog giving a kitten a bath, who's giving a bird a bath is so cute!"  Yes, of course that would be cute and strange!  But it's when someone uses it to describe EVERYTHING like a sweater, a haircut, a color, a doorknob, a burlap sack, or any inanimate object really.

Oh my, there are so much more but I've literally been awake for a gagillion hours and I have to get some sleep.  Let me just finish off with some things I thought I should mention.  If you noticed how I'm using No. instead of the sign, it's because my computer doesn't have one of those anymore.  Ever since I brought my computer in to get repaired at a shop in England my once No. sign has since been replaced by £.  Damn Brits.  I want my bloody number sign back!  When the frack will I use this useless pound sign ever again except for when I'm complaining about it??? ACK £££££££

My next post (if I don't completely forget about this thing) will try and be about something happy and positive, this won't be all bitches, somethings will be on something I love like maybe how my DVD player says 'BYE' when I turn it off.  Actually yes, there's your preview for the next one.

Finally I made up this blog today for 2 reasons.  One is that I needed a place for my thoughts and in this day and age we don't keep journals do we???  Nah.  2nd is that I was reading a blog by Felicia Ricci (she played Elphie in Wicked :)) and I loved it, and still do love it because she's still writing it.

I just saw Ed Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros on Conan....delightful.

My head aches...Zzzzz...


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